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The Life of Yogananda
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Praise for
“Philip Goldberg sheds new light on the incredible story
and illuminates the forces that made Yogananda a
spiritual teacher and role model for the ages.”
— Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Healing Self
“The Life of Yogananda is a profound and exquisitely written
account of the life of one of the most renowned spiritual masters
of our time, and is essential reading for anyone on a spiritual
path. . . . In a mysterious but unmistakable way, this book
pulsates with the very presence, blessing, and transmission of
Yogananda’s limitless wisdom and grace. With insight, clarity,
and his own depth of consciousness, Philip Goldberg takes you
on a virtual pilgrimage that will uplift you, inspire you, and
illuminate your own journey of awakening.”
— Dr. Barbara De Angelis, #1 New York Times best-selling author
of Soul Shifts and The Choice for Love
“A brilliant account of what history will recognize as one of the most
significant lives of the 20th century. . . . Sympathetic yet critical, the
book brings to light an enormous number of facets of Yogananda’s
life, times, spiritual realization, culture clashes, and personal
dimensions. . . . I highly recommend you read this book, and get
a profound reminder of what the spiritual search is all about.”
— Ken Wilber, author of The Religion of Tomorrow
“In this intensely researched book, Phil Goldberg describes the
deep commitment and tireless effort of Paramahansa Yogananda
to bring the spiritual teachings of India to the West. He reveals
the many obstacles that Yogananda had to overcome in
order to bring a light into the darkness.”
— Krishna Das, Chantmaster and author of Chants of a Lifetime
“A precious dive into the life and times of America’s most
famous yogi. Anyone who has read the classic Autobiography
of a Yogi . . . will thrill to the untold story of Yogananda’s life
in this graceful, insightful biography. It is a worthy companion
to Yogananda’s masterwork, informed both by Goldberg’s
scholarship and by his deep spiritual practice.”
— Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Minding the Body,
Mending the Mind and Seven Paths to God
“With spiritual elegance and integrity, Goldberg provides
an intimate portrait of the life of Yogananda. . . . Through
engaging stories and unique perspectives, Paramahansaji
shines through this biography as an enlightened
master and creator of a great spiritual legacy.”
— Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of Agape International
Spiritual Center and author of Spiritual Liberation
“Paramahansa Yogananda is probably the dominant figure behind
the Western Yoga movement and its spiritual roots, the veritable
father of Yoga in the Western world, living and teaching in America
for more than three decades. Philip Goldberg presents a detailed
and informative biography of the great master.”
— Dr. David Frawley, D. Litt., director of American Institute of
Vedic Studies and author of Yoga and Ayurveda
“This exceptionally written, wise, profound biography of one
of the 20th century’s greatest spiritual pioneers is essential
reading for all those who want to understand deeply the
growing marriage between Eastern and Western spirituality.
I am so moved by and grateful for Phil Goldberg’s humble
mastery of tone and truth in this marvelous book.”
— Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope and co-author of Savage Grace
“Philip Goldberg has masterfully assembled a colorful tapestry
of stories detailing the intricacies and complexities that comprise
the life of Paramahansa Yogananda. Goldberg’s work enables
us to understand Yogananda as both mundanely human and
extraordinary, while providing a detailed inside understanding
of this remarkable human being and spiritual leader.”
— Richard Miller, Ph.D., author of Yoga Nidra and the CD iRest
Meditation: Restorative Practices for Health, Resiliency, and Well-Being
“The Life of Yogananda is a tremendous gift: a chance to meet
from the ‘outside’ the spiritual genius we met on the ‘inside’ in
Autobiography of a Yogi. That book shared what was important to
Yogananda; this biography shares why Yogananda is important
to you. If you’ve read the Autobiography, you must read the
biography. If you haven’t read either, you must read both.”
— Rabbi Rami Shapiro, author of Holy Rascals
“Yogananda was more than just a popular guru who brought
Indian spirituality to the United States. He was also a spiritual
genius in the art of living, and his impact and legacy transcend
the traditional divides of race, ethnicity, nationality, politics, and
religion. In The Life of Yogananda, Philip Goldberg meticulously
peels back the mystical layers in order to reveal the man behind
the myth [and] continues his extraordinary work as our foremost
chronicler of Hinduism in the United States.’’
— Varun Soni, Ph.D., Dean of Religious Life and Vice Provost for Campus
Wellness and Crisis Intervention, University of Southern California
“When I was 15, Ram Dass gave me a copy of Autobiography
of a Yogi and the gates of the universe opened. Yogananda’s
account of his spiritual journey emboldened me to commence
mine. Now, all these years later, Phil Goldberg has compiled
the stories behind the stories! What a treasure.”
— Mirabai Starr, author of God of Love and Caravan of No Despair
“This book is a gift for anyone interested in the yogic journey.
Deeply informed by Phil Goldberg’s years of practice and study,
it explores the life of one of the great spiritual masters of the 20th
century. . . . A delightfully written, juicy, and inspiring portrait
that takes us right into the heart of the yogic experience.”
— Sally Kempton, author of Meditation for the Love of It
and Awakening Shakti
“Learning who Yogananda was historically can help us to
understand who he is spiritually. As with all great spiritual
masters, understanding who Yogananda is spiritually helps us
to understand who we deep down really are and are called to be.”
— James Finley, Ph.D., core teacher at the Center for Action and
Contemplation, author of Merton’s Palace of Nowhere and
Christian Meditation
“The story of meditative, ‘Eastern’ spirituality in the West doesn’t
exist without Yogananda; yet the story of Yogananda, in anything
like a full telling, hasn’t existed till now. Philip Goldberg, with
the clear eyes of the diligent scholar and the open heart of the
passionate, lifelong spiritual voyager, is the right person to tell it.”
— Dean Sluyter, author of Fear Less and Natural Meditation
“When I was informed about the author’s intention to write this
book, I knew that gathering information from reliable sources almost
seven decades after the subject’s passing would be a
major endeavor. The result is satisfying. It is enjoyable to read,
presented in a clear, forthright manner, and is fair and honest.”
— Roy Eugene Davis, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda
and founder of Center for Spiritual Awareness
“The book admirers of Yogananda and scholars of Yoga alike have
been waiting for. . . . Religious culture, across nations and traditions,
continues to be informed and influenced by [Yogananda’s] unique
vision—whether acknowledged or not. This book tells the story of
how he accomplished the extraordinary and, thereby, transformed
millions of mundane lives into ones worth living.”
— Rita D. Sherma, Ph.D., director and associate professor, Shingal
Center for Dharma Studies at Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
“Every yoga teacher and yoga student owes an enormous debt
to Yogananda. Goldberg has done a great service with this engaging
book, adding vital details to what the iconic Autobiography of
a Yogi revealed about Yogananda’s fascinating life.”
— Larry Payne, Ph.D., co-author of Yoga for Dummies and founder
of Yoga Therapy Rx and Prime of Life Yoga
“Through this work, one gains a sense of what guided Yogananda
toward greatness: the cities that shaped his youth, including
Gorakhnath, the birthplace of Hatha Yoga, Varanasi, India’s spiritual
center, and Serampo
re, the home of missionaries who taught him
about Jesus. His success in building schools and meditation centers
as well his adept adaptation of new learning technologies all
receive fuller treatment here than in any earlier resources.”
— Christopher Key Chapple, Doshi Professor and Director,
Master of Arts in Yoga Studies, Loyola Marymount University
“In making Awake, we discovered what a monumental task it is to
represent a spiritual giant like Yogananda. . . . Philip Goldberg has done
a terrific job of capturing the complexities of such a world teacher.”
— Paola di Florio, Lisa Leeman, and Peter Rader, filmmakers of
Awake: The Life of Yogananda
“Among its many virtues, this book fleshes out many parts of
Yogananda’s life that have not been previously revealed. . . .
Goldberg manages to convey with clear eyes Yogananda’s human
quirks and foibles while simultaneously maintaining respect
for the mysteries and depth of his spiritual powers.”
— Danny Goldberg, author of In Search of the Lost Chord:
1967 and the Hippie Idea
American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and
Meditation, How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
Roadsigns: On the Spiritual Path—Living at the
Heart of Paradox
The Intuitive Edge: Understanding Intuition and
Applying It in Everyday Life
Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming
Self-Defeating Behavior (with Mark Goulston, M.D.)
Copyright © 2018 by Philip Goldberg
Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.: www.hayhouse.com® • Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: www.hayhouse.com.au • Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.: www.hayhouse.co.uk • Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast Books: www.raincoast.com • Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: www.hayhouse.co.in
Indexer: Jay Kreider
Cover design: Scott Breidenthal • Interior design: Nick C. Welch
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
The opinions expressed in this book do not necessarily reflect the view of Self-Realization Fellowship, the organization Paramahansa Yogananda founded in 1920 to disseminate his teachings worldwide.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Goldberg, Philip, 1944- author.
Title: The real life of Yogananda : the story of the yogi who became the first modern guru / Philip Goldberg.
Description: Carlsbad, California : Hay House, Inc., 2018.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017060608 | ISBN 9781401952181 (hardback)
Subjects: LCSH: Yogananda, Paramahansa, 1893-1952. | Yogis--India--Biography.
| Self-Realization Fellowship. | BISAC: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Religious. | RELIGION / Spirituality. | RELIGION / Hinduism / General.
Classification: LCC BP605.S43 Y634 2018 | DDC 294.5092 [B] --dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017060608
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4019-5218-1
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1st edition, April 2018
Printed in the United States of America
To all the yogis who,
like Yogananda, have blessed the world
with their practical wisdom.
We are here today, tomorrow we are gone; mere shadows in a cosmic dream. But behind the unreality of these fleeting pictures is the immortal reality of Spirit.
Chapter 1: The Boy Mukunda
Chapter 2: Love, Loss, and Lore
Chapter 3: A Teenager in the Metropolis
Chapter 4: The Making of a Guru
Chapter 5: The Master Cometh
Chapter 6: Higher Education
Chapter 7: In the World, Not of It
Chapter 8: Go West, Young Man
Chapter 9: Boston Brahman
Chapter 10: From Sea to Shining Sea
Chapter 11: City of Angels
Chapter 12: Road Warrior
Chapter 13: Travels, Triumphs, and Travails
Chapter 14: Regrouping and Rebuilding
Chapter 15: Homecoming
Chapter 16: Heights and Depths
Chapter 17: The Yogi in Winter
Chapter 18: Liberation and Legacy
Insert Section
About the Author
The question I was asked most frequently while working on this book was “Why do we need a biography of Yogananda when we have Autobiography of a Yogi?” The broad answer is this: in the life of any important historical figure there is room for many books. The specific answers are: 1) Yogananda’s iconic memoir is as much about other people as it is about himself, 2) There are major gaps in his narrative, including spans of several years that are summarized in one or two sentences, and 3) While Yogananda spent almost all his adult years in America, less than 10 percent of the autobiography is about that immensely productive and historically significant period. The prospect of filling in those spaces seemed both enticing and important.
Several books have been written about Yogananda by direct disciples. These are valuable firsthand accounts of who he was and what he was like. They are, however, more like tributes than biographies. My goal was to draw a more complete portrait of Yogananda the human being—an extraordinary human being to be sure, but human nonetheless, with all the complexity that term implies. The book’s central narrative is the saga of a profoundly spiritual being navigating the material realm, attempting to unite fully with the Divine while skillfully playing his role in the human drama—just as he taught so many to do themselves. No book can capture the true essence of a soul like Yogananda, but it can describe the footprints he left on the sands of time and space. My goal was to render an accurate, fact-based description of those exceptional footprints.
To many, Yogananda was a saint. To some, he was an avatar, an incarnation of God. I am not qualified to make such evaluations. For me it was enough that his contribution to the spiritual history of East and West is unparalleled, and that his life unfolded in a compelling narrative spanning two hemispheres, two vastly different cultures, two world wars, massive economic upheavals, and unprecedented social changes. I set out to tell that remarkable story as truthfully and thoroughly as I could, knowing full well that I could not do justice to it in 3,000 pages, let alone 300.
In choosing to emphasize Yogananda the man, I found validation in the words of one of his most important disciples. Mrinalini Mata was close to him in the last seven years of his life and she served as president of Self-Realization Fellowship (the organization he founded) from 2011 until her passing in 2017. “Some who come onto the path seem to want to ‘dehumanize’ Master, to think of him only in terms of God incarnate,” she once said, adding, “Too often, there is a tendency to take away from Gurudeva [Yogananda] that beautiful human personality which is such an integral part of his spiritual nature.”1 Precisely.
When asked if he has to admire the people he writes about, David McCullough, the celebrated biographer of Harry S. Truman, John Adams, and others, said he needs to admire what they did, but he does not expect them to be perfect. In fact, he adds, “Perfection is boring.” I have no idea how the term perfection could be applied to any human being. But I do know that Yogananda had a fascinating personality, with quirks and idiosyncrasies and peculiarities that were shaped by the mysteries of karma and a specific upbringing in a specific family in a specific culture at a specific time. He made decisions; he expressed feelings; he learned and grew; he experienced ups and downs, victories and defeats, pleasures and sorrows. It may add up to perfection in the eyes of some of his disciples, but to this writer it is enough that it forms a one-of-a-kind, eminently distinguished life.